
Adds the given value to the chart series.


chart_add_data(series, value)
Argument Description
series The series id to add to.
value The value to add to the series.

Return: Real


This function is used to add a value into the specified series of chart.


 chartBalanced = chart_create(chart_line, 32, 16, 448, 256);
 usedBalanced = chart_add_series(chartBalanced, "Used Balance", c_red);

chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 203);
chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 323);
chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 202);
chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 426);
chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 397);
chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 350);
chart_add_data(usedBalanced, 368);

The above code will add some data into the chart series indexed in the variable "chartBalanced".

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